Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Get out of the way for....

I can't help it if I am named after a popular 1800's song written by slaves.  I am glad to say I made it to the old part.

I am not sure if I have much in common with the Dan Tucker in the song.  As a  masculine boasting song of the time, Dan is an animalistic character, driven by sex, violence, and strong drink. I quit drinking hard liquor years ago, am no longer a smoker (after years of chain smoking), limit sex to one partner, and really dislike violence, unless Bruce Willis in inflicting it on the big screen.

Happily married for 25+ years, married a home town girl.  Have an awesome teenage son, who is also autistic. We also always have pets around us as part of our family.

About 30 years ago I wrecked my motorcycle and busted me up pretty good.  I still feel the effects today, but we all have scars and pains from the past that we live with.  I lost my faith in God many years ago.  I live so I can look my self in the mirror the next morning.. not so I can get some reward after I die.

I am deeply in debt and scrape by paying the bills each month.

Education is extremely important.  That said, I sadly never finished college. .  .But as Tom Bodet is quoted "In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a testIn lifeyou're given a test that teaches you a lesson.” 

Politically, you can say I am a conservative liberal.  Everyone should have a chance for success without a select few holding the majority of the cards. Everyone should contribute to society.. unless they are considered brain dead.

I have an abundant mentality.. there is enough to go around.  I also believe in sustainability. In order for us to grow as a culture, we need to reinvest into that culture.

I have tried starting my own business twice.  Selling Commodore computers in the 80s (they really had something with the Amiga) and a yard care business in the 90s.  I also put in my 4 years in the Army and 2 years reserve. I have worked for the State Government for the past 15 years.

There is my short ramblings about me.  I hope to update this blog as time goes on.  I am not 100% set in my ways and am willing to listen to logic and reason.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Old postcard from the late 1800s to early 1900s.  I didn't clean it up any - orginal scan-