Sunday, June 7, 2015


Like many Americans, poor diet and lack of exercise resulted in Adult On-set Diabetes. I was told back in November by my doctor that I need to lose weight, take meds, exercise more, and improve my diet.

I did not consider myself obese at 184 lbs, 5'8” tall. I ate what I wanted, and my exercise was yard work. I work in an office and sit on my ass most of the day.

The 1st thing I did was to start cutting sugar out of my life. Not an easy thing to do. But I stopped soda pop and candy pretty much cold turkey.. and I lost 10 lbs in 4 weeks. I then joined weight watchers with my lovely wife. Each of us have lost nearly 20 lbs in the last 4 months. (I have lost nearly 30lbs so far)

My main focus is still to reduce sugar. I am struggling to get us below 30 grams a day (processed). Most sugar in fruit & vegies is off-set by the fiber, so that is very helpful.

I have learned that ALL sugar is the same: Honey, corn syrup, raw cane sugar.. is all basically turned to FAT if it is not offset by enough protein & fiber to make your digestion system work harder. Sugar alcohol is not really a sugar and is processed by your system differently not being turned to fat. No sugar added is MUCH better for you than low fat. I love some of the no sugar added ice creams.

Milk has 12 grams of sugar per 8 oz. Because of this we switched to GMO free, unsweetened soy and we make our own unsweetened almond milk.

All breads that we eat are now whole grain and low in sugar. This week we are switching over to free range eggs (The farm owner is my coworker)

Subway & panda express are our favorite fast food places.

More to on life as an aging opinionated American to come, have a great week everyone.

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